Mittwoch, 21. September 2016


Grapefruit infused IPA

Brewed: Brewdog
Tested: Can, September 2016

Where to get:
- everywhere where there is a Brewdog bar

- BeerMarket, La Louviere

Our mind is a very powerful thing that can influence our behavior and our dietary habits. You probably know the situation where you have tasted some new exotic food and you liked it. Then somebody told – so you liked it. Well, it is squid brain (put here any food that brings you to puke). Ant there you go on a direct way to the toilette…

Same goes to the new product of Brewdog.

Why? And I seriously am asking “WHY THE HELL” would you like to call a beer Elvis Juice. I am very open to try new things, but I was seriously reluctant to taste the Juice of Elvis. Whatever you say, it was really hard to try. Seriously*

Now to the beer. It is really great. If your brain can handle the name (or you are simply such a big fan of Elvis that you don’t mind…) you will get an extremely aromatic IPA. That thing really smells like grapefruit and tastes like grapefruit flavored IPA. Really, the grapefruit is a blast and brings Elvis Juice to a completely new level of freshness, still, which is a miracle the whole thing does not taste artificial. Now on top of the fact that grapefruit is bitter by itself, you have a serious solid hop bitterness. The overall effects are more than satisfactory. Surprisingly, even my wife, who normally does not like bitter taste that much was happy with that one. If you can forget the name, thumbs up!

* Elvis Juice is rather fresh product. Does this mean that Elvis is alive?

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