Mittwoch, 17. August 2016

Barrel Nygus

Barrel Nygus

Style: Sweet Stout (whishy barrel aged)
Brewed: Browar SoliPiwko
Tested: Bottle, July 2016

The problem with the barrel aged beers is that I simply do not like what aging does to the beer. In most cases adding aromas of whisky or wine simply kills the beer.
Bot, there is another side of the story – I can recognize the world class beer even if it is a barrel aged one. Barrel Nygus pours black with a tiny head. Wonderful aroma of coffee and cocoa. Taste is coffee, cocoa and vanilla. Whisky is clearly there, but the most important taste is the taste of beer.

What SoliPiwko Brewery done her is a little masterpiece of the balance. Nothing is too much, all is perfect. Need to stock up my beer basement…

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